join rawan mentorship
Whether as a mentee or a mentor, be a part of our mission towards Uyghur excellence.
Become a mentee!
Pave your path towards further success and seize the opportunity to expand your academic and professional horizons.
Who can apply?
Our program is for all high schoolers!
What do you offer?
Rawan mentees gain access to exclusive resources and support:
  • Resume templates and examples
  • College essay examples
  • Personalized college admissions guidance
  • 1-1 sessions with a personally-matched mentor
  • Extracurricular & internship workshops
Does it cost anything?
Nope! All of our programs are free.
mentee application
Become a mentor!
Help us in building the bridge to a better future for Uyghur-American youth and join a dynamic, close-knit team of volunteers!
What will I do?
As a mentor, you’ll have the opportunity to make a personal, direct, and lasting impact on the Uyghur community through contributing your skills, knowledge, and expertise.
You will also be introduced to our vast network of exceptional mentors nationwide.
Who can apply?
University undergraduates and beyond are welcome to join our team!
Be a part of the change. Join the Rawan team today.
mentor application
have feedback?
We’d love to hear your thoughts on our initiatives and programs! Please feel free to reach out via our feedback form below.
rawan feedback form